Message to Admin: Add new countries

Day 789, 09:21 Published in Poland Croatia by andycro

Dear citizens of the New World!

This article is a part of trilogy dedicated to Admin work in the New World. To get their attention, I have to ask you that you vote this article and all the articles of this trilogy. Thank you in advance.

The whole trilogy:
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Add new countries
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Communication in the New World
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Review of 2009 updates

Dear Citizens!

It it the time that you allow implementation of NEW eCountries. Let me introduce why you should implement this new countries:

Iceland has organizated it own movement named Icelandic Campaign which is helping Iceland nation to start their eCareers. They have forum, newspaper and chat. They have 9 embassies in eCountries. I believe that it it the time that we give them their country.

Similar as Iceland, Malta has its own Maltese Mission. I have never meet such proud people (ok, maybe Croatians are more proud) that want their small country. They have 6 different newspaper created for purpose of uniting Maltese nation and to gather funds for their nation when it will be implemented. The mission has two promiment UK citizens leading it which should only increase their chances to get their country. They are waiting for the country for full one-year period. It is the final time that we give them their country.

*Republic of Macedonia
Probably the most problematic implemenation of the new country is the implementation of Republic of Macedonia due to RL problems between RL Greece and RL Macedonia. As the New World should be a place which everything is possible (small countries could become world powers, while large countries could disapear from the map) I believe that you should give Republic of Macedonia a fighting chance. Greece at this moment has more than 8500 citizens, while Macedonians, scaterred around the new world have around 300 citizens and several organizations. The odds are in Greek favor - lets give the people of Republic of Macedonia a chance to create their own country.

Idea has been supported by more than 1000 votes in this article.

CONCLUSION: I have listed this 3 countries as their community, without having their own country in the New World, is organized and has a community of ad least 100 citizens. I strongly suggest that Admins work out on some preconditions on which new countries could be implemented (Basic country organization, provisional goverments, number of citizens, forums, etc.) so that new request would be more professional. Also, there has been no word of implementing new countries for several months. This is not acceptable! Work on it also.

I would like to thank Admins for their time in reading this Open Letter and I would like to remember them that they have promised polls to be implemented in 2009 (Read more in Review of 2009). In all of this cases, polls could be used as referendums in nations around the New World and this referendums would say to you the thing that I know: IMPLEMENT NEW COUNTRIES!!!

Lets give the equal chance for all eNations. Long live the New World.


Wiki Sysop
Proud Croat

P.S. If you do not have a country, and you have an active eComunity, and you dream of your nation, send me links to your forum, newspapers, promiment citizens, so I could one day write an open letter for you.