Message of friendship from Serbia

Day 1,063, 11:36 Published in North Macedonia Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

MoFA - 1063. - Message of friendship from Serbia

Dear Citizens of Republic Macedonia, today I have the great pleasure to welcome thousands of new players that arrived at your beloved new born country in eRepublik. We are proud of your achievement and we are all delighted to see our friends and allies made such a big success at very beginning of creation.

eRepublik Macedonia - еРепублик Македонија - YouTube video clip from your national news about eMacedonia.

This video shall enter in history as the reason for one of the biggest baby booms in eRepublik, in behalf of Serbia and my own, we salute all people for making this possible.

As one of the names that are shown in that clip (on 0:53 and 1:59) with great pride I use this opportunity to say thank you 🙂

Serbia uses this opportunity to extend hand of friendship to our friends in new born country, we are delighted to already see us fighting alongside on battlefield against our mutual opponents. Future for all of us will be hard and difficult but it will never be something that we cant beat and outsmart together. Serbia as your friends and for many of your older citizens former home will help you as much we can. We had our troubles at the beginning with older and stronger countries (back then it was Croatia for us) and we will see that these things never happen to you.

From your north, big friends will help you protecting your country and of course assist you in creating bigger and stronger Macedonia.

From Serbia, we all send you message of friendship, congratulations and welcome to your new arrived citizens.

Long live Republic Macedonia!

Sincerely yours

Minister of Foreign Affairs: EternalFlameOfFreedom
Deputy minister: Pati Saijic
Deputy minister: MaliOdPalube
Deputy minister: Cookies Crisp