MDP - We Are eCanada's Future

Day 2,302, 18:30 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

While we have a moment's respite from Murikan oppression, we should discuss why the Military Dictatorship Party, in addition to being the party that "gets shit done," is the party of eCanada's future.

MDP currently stands as one of the longest-running political parties in eCanada. It has never been usurped by a PTO, though such foolishness has, of course, been attempted in the past. To borrow a phrase from MDP's own god-king, Rylde, it is a "no-bullshit" party. We do not waste time with pointless squabbling over votes. We fight united under the rule of our wise dictator for the greater good of eCanada.

Some may call our methods "Machiavellian" or "underhanded," or define our actions within eCanada's political sphere by stringing together a long line of angry cuss-words. Well, comrades, it may be of some small comfort to know that these actions serve the greater good - by eliminating the weak and useless, we empower the strong and make the whole even stronger. Our enemies are relentless, enormous and very powerful, and we must be equal to the tasks they set for us despite our vastly disparate size. We cannot waste time with pointless debate - action must be swift and decisive, and this is not possible when we must mollycoddle the baby-snugglers who want their precious little voices to be "heard" by being permitted to vote on every single thing.

Of course, the leftists will whine about authoritarianism and how it restricts the "freedoms" of the people. What freedoms do you wish? Do you wish to be free to tie up the government with endless whinging about trivial nonsense? Do you wish to be free to lay down your guns when the enemy has its boots on our throats? Do you wish to be free to snuggle bunnies and gambol about in flower-filled meadows, rather than to play an active role in the continued sovereignty and independence of your homeland? Is voicing your opinions just so you feel like you've been "heard" more important than the security of your brothers and sisters, and the prosperity of your nation? Do you want your leaders to lead by whinging and crying and begging for your vote, or do you want your leaders to lead by leading?

The Military Dictatorship Party wants leaders - men and women who will lead others by example, who will take charge of situations and act decisively. This may sound contradictory - we follow the command of our dictator absolutely, yet we want leaders. People who wait around to be told what to do, or who must be begged or bribed into action by their milquetoast "leaders" often have a hard time understanding this concept. Simply put, the dictator's chief, long-standing command is for MDP members to take charge of their own affairs and to lead others when the situation demands it. The great and glorious Muglack does not bother telling us what to think or any of that kind of nonsense - we are not sheep blindly following a shepherd. We are soldiers taking marching orders from our superior officer. It is an orderly and efficient way to run a military, and it is an equally orderly and efficient way to run a nation.

Soldiers are encouraged to think independently, to be a "one-man army." Soldiers are leaders among those who lack discipline and the courage to fight. The life of a soldier is not for the meek or the gentle, but we are not a meek and gentle nation.

That is not to say that the Military Dictatorship Party discourages solidarity. Quite contrary! Solidarity among soldiers is the stuff of legends. When pressed into action, even those with vastly different beliefs can band together to achieve a common goal. MDP members are seldom wont for needed supplies, even during tough times. One need only ask, and one's MDP brothers will see that the need is met.

For those of you who doubt the veracity of my words, look at our current situation. eCanada has been under Rylde's command for a while now, and Rylde runs an authoritarian government. His command has brought us all the way back from a complete wipe. Surely this victory will be short-lived - we all expected this, and the Murikans do not like it when we rub our victory in their fat piggy faces - but it owes whatever duration it has to Rylde's unapologetic fascism. You baby-snugglers can continue to pretend that fascism is a bad word, but I challenge you to argue with the results.

More hard times are coming. We will need the iron fist of dictatorship in the coming war if we are to survive, and the firm leadership of Muglack's successor, Jason Welsh - be sure wish him well for his coming term.

Pointless bickering and false promises are for the weak and foolish. If you want strength, join the MDP. We are eCanada's future.