May 30, 2010

Day 922, 16:05 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors">">

Happy Memorial Day, America!

It's been nearly a year that I have been in the New World, and NEVER before have I come across what is to come on June 5th - FIVE candidates, each deserving, gunning to be the next POTUS. It's epicness of a greater proportion, unheard of in the normal day-to-day goings-on of American politics. Tired of being at the receiving end of jokes, Congress has elected a new Speaker, and he is laying down the law. Maybe now they can stop giving their game-given powers to other people. And what IS going on with Karnataka?


Wow. So last month, I scoffed at the fact that even though there was an open call for people to step-up and run for POTUS, Harrison Richardson/Franco/ThisGenMedia was re-elected to the office. What really made me mad was the fact that mor epeople voted for someone who decided to not even run anymore (although he was already locked in) over the candidate I felt was the most deserving... the candidate that was answering the call.

That is definitely NOT the case next week. Five people have stepped up to answer the call to be POTUS. It's an amazing list of people, each of whom are deserving... each of whom will be a great POTUS.

Angelini/Devan Kronos - What hasn't Angelini done in government? She hasn't been POTUS. She has served in Congress, the military, the Cabinet (where she was Secretary of Defense) and was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Angelini is a great candidate.

Chocolate McSkittles/Ligtreb - I have personally worked with both of these men in the Welcoming Committee and in other government programs, including Guns For Huns. Both men put the USA before themselves and are selfless. Choc is a great candidate.

Colin Lantrip - Anothe rperson I have had the privelege to work with in programs like G4H and Welcoming Committee, Colin Lantrip has proven again and again that he knows what it takes to make America successful. Alot of people don't realize the time and dedication Colin has put into the game, nor do they know the amounts of RL money he has put into the USA to help new players out. Colin is a great candidate.

Killing Time - Had it not been for KT, I would not had been the kick-ass Congressman that I was. KT, who was then the Speaker of the House, took me under his wing and taught me about not only Congress, but the political system as a whole. He is also the man who gives us the USA Forums. KT is a great candidate.

Sir Valaro Volcrum/Civil Anarchy - Unlike any other candidate, SVV has actually been a CP before, just not in the USA. Since getting to know SVV, we've developed a great friendship and he amazes me at the knowledge he has of the game as a whole. His running mate, Civil Anarchy; was my choice for POTUS last month. SVV is a great candidate.

Five great candidates... what am I to do? Well, unless either KT or Colin ask me to be their VP pick, I have decided what I am NOT going to do. I am not going to publically endorse any of them, nor will I work on any one campaign. The choice is just too amazing, and I know that each of these candidates will be a great pick.

Wait, there is one more... here.

Wasssup With Karnataka

Just a few days ago, I was in an election to pick the Congressman from the region of Karnataka. Since then, India President Abhi347 requested the end of the rental agreement of the high iron region to the USA. Since that original statement five days ago, there has been no advancement on the issue. American President Harrison Richardson then released an article today, which has been answered by the Indian President in an article of his own.

"...the matter is handled to David Forde, an Indian Military think tank and a very brilliant and experienced player. He has all the authority to talk on the issue, however the end decision will be mine from India's side, of course after discussing with the cabinet first. After my term ends the decision will obviously go to the next CP."

So the matter still remains, until we hear from "an Indian Military think tank and a very brilliant and experienced player". I personally feel that at this juncture and with CP elections around the world on the horizon, this matter should be put to bed until AFTER the elections. By that time, we will have two completely different people running the nations most involved.

Necrosis-Speaker of the House

GF is the new Speaker of the House and immediately, he laid down the law for the 30th Congress of the USA. Necrosis even gave an example of unacceptable behavior. Now I know I'm gonna regret saying this, but I whole-heartedly agree with GF; at least in this matter.

Speaker Necrosis sai😛 Last term we allowed the president to fund the budget to the military; an unprecedented action. We then gave him the commander in chief title, and defined it properly. He is now in charge; the big cheese, numbero uno, the head honcho.

To me, this was a stopgap measure. It shut people up about a problem that wasn't really a problem, and gave people what they want. Sorta. Kinda. I voted yes on it, mostly to get it fixed, allow us to move our focus to where it really needed to be; taking Lionking, and all that shit.

I propose that we remove the ability to freeze funding from the president, and give it to congress.

Necrosis goes on and actually lays out a plan. I agree whole-heartedly with the plan and suggest that the American public follow the discussion. In the New World, it is the responsibility of Congress to control the nation's purse-strings... NOT THE PRESIDENT. I don't know why Congress wants to just be a rubber stamp for the CP Office, but it gets more and more like that every term. I hope Necrosis can get Congress straight and make them the leaders they are supposed to be.

Best of luck to Necrosis and the entire 30th Congress.

So far, things are looking up for June. I hope it stays that way!

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie