May 26, 2010

Day 918, 21:51 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors">">

Well, well, well. my Congressional election batting average is now .500; as I have once again lost to a blocker. Jewitt defeated me, in a non-run, to capture his third term in Congress. Meanwhile, after fighting my butt off in Lion King, I can't keep a job. It was a bad time to fill out the new census report, but that's OK. One good thing is that the loss in Congress sets me up to do TWO important things.

Beware of the Blocker
The Battle of Liaoning
You're Fired


In December 2009, Josh Frost lost in a "non-race" Presidential Election. The final tally was 2056 to 1714 as Frosty fell to Jewitt.

Nearly a half year later, I make a run for Congressman in the fortress region of Karnataka, USA. I secure the endorsements of six parties, including three of the Top Five. The UIP, who endorsed eRepublik's Favorite Hippie, decided to run Jewitt as a blocker to prevent the ever-possible PTO threat. When all was said and done, none of the other candidates even made a campaign article. In fact, the only campaign article that I had seen for Karnataka aside from mine was by Pizza the Hut. I, on the other hand, had released a detailed campaign article and mass messaged 2000 of Karnataka's lovely residents. To be perfectly frank, I did expect to win Karnataka.

The election day brought many surprises, and APF Party President Stormin even said that the Karnataka election was the closest of all the elections. Back and forth it went, putting Jewitt in the lead, then I, then Jewitt again, then me once more. I released a second article, then took out an ad. My good friend George Armstrong Custer also took out an ad. Back and forth the race went. In the end, Jewitt won the election by 21 votes.

Jewitt was awesome enough to personally message me and explain that this was not the intent and I firmly believe him. Jewitt and I has a good history going back quite awhile now, and I trust the man's word. Representatives of the UIP (the party that ran Jewitt) also got in touch with me and apologized. I told them all to not worry about it. I don't know why so many people are worried about a Congressional election.

All the haters, I await your comments.

Anyway, you can check all of the results for the May 2010 USA Congressional Election here. Listed below is a screenshot of part of that page.


Elections weren't the only thing on American minds, however. Yesterday saw the majority of the fighting in the most recent battle for Liaoning. 4558 Americans and allies fought 40,289 times to inflict 12,405,044 damage to Liaoning. Lion King is a high iron region, and the loss of it would hurt Serbia and their allies significantly. Unfortunately, Phoenix has more fights and won the fight in overtime. It was an amazing and well-fought battle. It's only a matter of time before the next Battle of Lion King, and I can hardly wait.

I fought sixteen times and did -3,048 dmg for an average of -190.50, which ranked me only at #450.


Apparently, some employers don't realize that many Americans just stretched themselves to the limit in a major military attack on an enemy region. Obviously, these people that continue to fire me over and over are doing it because my wellness sucks. I have a lil bit of gold left over from my last purchase, so I figured I could pick up some wellness boxes to go along with a steady diet of Q5 food and 10 gifts a day to get back to the 90s, but I can't seem to even find them anymore, so it'll take just a little bit longer to heal. Oh well.

If anyone has a job, I am looking for work. I won't be buying gold for at least a couple of weeks, so I can't do time at The Salvation Army like I try to do when I have extra gold. So I need to work and get paid well. I am a great employee who almost always works at 100 wellness and with 8+ manu skill. Hit me up!


I'm looking to get into some big stuff soon. If your interested, let me know.

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

Jude's Heading To The Beach!