MAD: Make A Difference

Day 1,306, 22:42 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

I came. (If you cannot see the pictures, right click to Open Image in a New Tab.)

My good friend and comrade, Sir Valaro Volcrum, wrote Is This Deja Vu? in his paper, Hell Jumper recently. In it, he stated the inevitable, the eUSA will be invaded... again. He finishes it with the best three sentences I have seen in the eAmerican media in a long time:

This is how you win a war. Put that shit behind you, pick up a gun, kill the enemy.

That simple.

He's right.

I've seen the eUSA united and I've seen the eUSA devided, and each time we have been united, we are unstoppable.

But look around the eUSA today... what do you see? Do you see unity? I don't. I see petty quarrels shaking the entire foundation of one of the Top Five political parties in eAmerica. I see another Top Five party declaring war on another Top Five party. Meanwhile, our military and militia groups fought bravely, but could not get the victory.

It's time to pull our heads out of our asses and get with the program, eAmerica!

* Follow DoD Orders if you are a civilian fighter.
* Join a military group or a militia and fight for the country.
* Get into Congress and make a difference.
* Shout the DoD Orders in your posts.

These are all things YOU can do to make a difference. We have NEVER been wiped off the map, don't let it happen now! DO SOMETHING and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!