Let's Talk About It (UPDATE: 24 participants so far)

Day 1,575, 07:23 Published in USA Canada by Alias Vision

I want to start by thanking everyone who have taken the time to message me, help me and direct me to the right people and places as I make the transition to the United States. I'm still in the honeymoon phase of this new relationship but I feel that the underlining energy in the US is very different to what I had been experiencing for a while now. It has been refreshing.

The best way to start a journey is by a taking an assured first step.


Over the past two months, I've conducted seven surveys in Canada with corresponding articles and analysis. If you are interested, you can review or browse some of them by following the links:

Survey analysis 1 - link removed, no idea why it would be considered malicious.
Survey analysis 2
Survey analysis 3
Survey analysis 4 - link removed, no idea why it would be considered malicious.
Survey analysis 5
Survey analysis 6
Survey analysis 7

I wish to continue the experiment here. I also hope not to lose my old audience completely, therefore from now on all surveys published in the Freeholder Press will be open to anyone who takes the one minute required to complete them.

The Contract.

To make this work, there needs to be an understanding between the survey manager and the survey respondents. I will not hide from you that a determined effort to falsify or bias the poll would be relatively simple. With that in mind, I offer you a contract: You, as survey respondent, endeavour to respect the integrity of the process and participate honestly. Me, as survey manager, promise to keep all answers completely confidential and only share or publish the aggregated results and analysis.


This is all based on good faith, something I built over the course of seven surveys but for which I start anew with this expanded audience.

The Prizes.

Those of you who will read back issues will see that I had sponsors previously that allowed me to "gift" respondents for their participation. I don't have those sponsors in the US and not knowing how popular this might be, no way of estimating the costs. If anyone wishes to sponsor these activities, anonymously or otherwise, please PM me and we can talk.

I do want to offer something however as I think they add something fun to the process. For every corresponding 25 votes and 25 participants, I will perform a random $1,000 draw from those that will have accurately filled out the survey. So if this article receives 25 votes and the survey records 25 entries, there will be 1 draw... 50-50, 2 draws... 75-75, 3 draws etc.

The Survey.


Best to go with what you are most familiar right? New US readers will have to forgive me as I'm still very much in tune with what is happening in my old stomping grounds. The questions also allow me to transition from a domestic issues based poll to one more open to international considerations.

The questions are not always perfect and you will see over time that they will evolve as I attempt to catch what really matters and where the separation and interests really are to be found.

I will never claim to be without bias but I will strive to be as objective as possible.


Thank you for your time and attention.