Larni 4 CP : Cabinet Details

Day 1,565, 23:15 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

This is the cabinet thus far that will be assisting our nation forward if I am reelected. A lot of names are similar to this month only shuffled around to gain more experience and better their knowledge in the game.

If anyone wants to be added to my cabinet please send me a message and I will see what we can do. Also note present Minister of Information is open, I am going through potential candidates as we speak and would like to thank miniate and alimilano and wish them a well earned break from cabinet.

CP: Larni

dCP: greenimp

Advisors: Mack Craft, Xavier Griffith, Majester, Venja, srg91

Chief of Staff: Jon Malcom

Minister of Finance : James Keane
dMoF: Paul Keating

Minister of Defence: Mudkip McMudkip
dMo😨 StanEslah

Minister of Foreign Affairs : McMatty
dMinister of Foreign Affairs: Arolia, witherd1, Klonam

Minister of Immigration : Arfman
dMinister of Immigration: Madcow, Phoenix Green

Minister of Information: ..........
dMinister of Information: Kaltiz

Ministers of New Player Relations and Education: Arolia, Jon Malcom
Senate Liason: Phoenix Green

Ambassador Program: Klonam, Arolia.

Long live freedom.

I may walk on the side of the Angels, but I am not one of them.