Just What is Pakistan Up To?

Day 770, 17:17 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

(Sorry it’s been such a long time since my last article, I’ve been sorta busy)

So, if you have been paying any attention to that wonderful event tracker, you might have noticed that Pakistan has been territory swapping their way all of the way to Europe. Just what are they up to?

Now, if you would all take the time to Click Here You will clearly see how I pointed out, over a month ago, that Pakistan was the real ruler of Peace.

And now that Peace is dead and Phoenix has risen from it’s ashes, I think it’s fair to say that Pakistan is preparing for their moment of glory.

So far Iran has surrendered 4 regions to Pakistan, and Turkey has surrendered 2, and many of those regions held hospitals and defence systems, so just why did they do it?


Do you all remember way back when all of Peace would bend over at Hungary’s will? Well, it’s essentially the same concept, except this time Pakistan is the big man on campus.

Now, some of you may be looking at my logic, and will obviously see some flaws in it. For example, some of you might point to this article and tell me that it shows that Pakistan in fact is the weakest country in the entire eWorld.

Do you know what I have to say to that?

Yes, that’s right. Pakistan has no doubt gone out of their way to bribe the author of this article.

There’s no doubt that you’ve all taken a glance at the recent Hungary vs Romania war, and you’ve probably thought to yourself ”Golly gee, I sure doubt that there will be a battle with more damage done.”

Well guess what, once Pakistan gets herself into the battle the world just might end from the overwhelming number of soldiers charging all at once.

Seriously, once Pakistan shows up Hungary will get &$%# with a ^$*%$&# along with seventeen &**$&#@ and then Romania will have to %#$@@%$ along with %^$#& and even worse have a ^$*$%*@ with $^%*#%@ on a toaster oven!

Did thinking about that make you cry too? Don’t worry let the tears out, because there’s nothing you can do about it. Once the Pakistan train reaches Europe the new eRepublik map will look a little like this

(I apologize for my brutal paint skills)

As you can see, Pakistan will have taken over everything, including non-existant countries in Northern Africa and parts of Asia.

Everyone, I suggest you move to North America, as the Pakistan Army has yet to build any seaworthy ships.
