Jack Bauer saves the USA?

Day 1,311, 23:13 Published in Poland Hungary by Borembukkk
Somewhere in the USA in a secret place.

US Pres: Getlemans, we have a big problem. The ONE unstoppable, and our army can't do anything. What is the worst problem?
US Mo😨 Mr. president, They are control too good for the military. They supremacy coming from the superior ONE leadership. If we can knock out they military comands, we can turn around the war.
US Pres: That's the time, I call Jack Bauer..

US Pres: Hi, Jack, I am the President of the United States. We need you, this outrageous time.
Jack Bauer: I wait your order Mr. President.
US Pres: Jack, your primary task: penetrate the ONE's secret military command system, and the second, you catch, the ONE Supreme Commander, AThompson.
Jack Bauer: Well Mr. President, I do what I can.

Somewhere in Europe, a secret location

Jack_Bauer is now known as AThompson.
AThopson: Gentlemens, today we fight with US side, because this is a secret plan.
ONE leaders: WTF??!!
AThompson: Yes, we fight in Oregon, on the US side, fight in Hawai on the US side.
ONE leaders: ?????
AThompson: We next attack not the normal time in daylight, but at the night, when US don't sleep. That all men, just do it.
ONE leaders: ?????
AThompson: And finally the national commander can't open the the UFR supply system and only order: "kill 1"
Hungarian leader: Ok, sounds like good.

AThompson is now known as Jack_Bauer
Jack Bauer: Mr. President, task accomplish. The ONE force fight our side in Oregon, and the battle win.
US Pres: Dunno, this is a disaster, the Canadian force can't isolate us!
Jack Bauer: F-ck, but the Hawai victory may useful?
US Pres: Oh man you are so stupid! If we lost the Hawai battle may China save our ass with a war declaration against Indonesia!
Jack Bauer: F-ckf-ck, but the night attack can help?
US Pres: No! The ONE troops may fight without control and win all battles.
Jack Bauer: May God save the USA, I can't.