Issue #1 - The Calm Before The Storm

Day 302, 19:18 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis
Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first official Issue of The Canadian National - A Maple Story. Enjoy

ATLANTIS - Recent articles haves said that Canada is apart of ATLANTIS, these are false. Discussion in ATLANTIS is still going on, in whether which Canada will become a member or not, I will tell you thins though, joining ATLANTIS looks pretty good in our favor the current vote on Canada is as follows:

Countries Approved
Countries Rejected
Countries still in discussion

So far so good, at the moment we do not now why our good friends Romania rejected our joining of ATLANTIS, but Joint Foreign Affairs Minister Tantis has given Tom Hagen, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister the assignment in talking with Romania and asking what made them decide to reject our joining of ATLANTIS.

LOCAL ELECTIONS - Local Elections are this Saturday and it will be the last time that we will have a Mayor. So choose well as this will be your last Mayor and the last thing we want is an inactive Mayor or a bad Mayor, so time to become bias and say "Vote Norsefire".

V1 - ADMIN are continuing with their hard work on ERepublik V1 which is due to start between October 1rst and 15th. With all this great modules and revamp of the beta, were are looking at the future of online simulators as well as the number 1 played online game in history, Great job to ADMIN and we cant wait to see V1. You can see ADMINS latest article [a url=]HERE[/a].

ECONOMY AND WAGE CUTS - With V1 coming nearer and nearer, The Weapons domain and health domain is getting hit pretty hard. With out war no one wants to by weapons and there is no need to use the hospitals, and with general managers trying to offset prices and sell their growing stocks many company owners are cutting wages. ONYX PRODUCTIONS, owned by Tantis has stopped hiring employees do to a loss of sales last month and this month. One employee asked "will I receive a cut in wages?". Tantis replied "At the moment we don't know hopefully when V1 comes out we can afford alot more."

DIRTY TACTICS - A few days ago we had a leak in the Norsefire forums, in which a CSD member registered on our forums and began to view and give valuable information, information such as parts of policy platforms, the change of Canadas Capital to Ottawa and talks of receiving support from smaller political parties. These tactics, are the main factor of the forum ADMINS to begin extensive background checks on all members, making it harder for members and citizens to view our forums or register. As Norsefires Former Party Leader and as a Former CSD member I know and assure you that the current party leadership is not capable of playing fair, let alone run a country. The Canadian Social Democrats cheated then and cheat now. Cottus has denied all accusations even if we have proof. Many citizens have complained about current Administration as well as how he won. A few citizens say that Cottus bribed a few Company General Managers to receive endorsements and votes. Will the Canadian Social Democrats ever learn that people don't like liars or cheaters? We will never know.

Quote of the Week:

"When your friend can't get a job there is an employment problem. When you can't get a job its an employment crisis. When President Arci doesn't have a job you'll know the recovery has begun." - Secret Admirer