Islanded in a sea of stars: Larni4CP

Day 1,534, 03:16 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Before coming to the crux of a few issues I want to take a moment to officially commend srg91 on his excellent work as the CP of eAus for these past two months. During the campaign last month I named certain changes that I wanted to make and to his credit, despite winning the election by a large margin, Srg91 saw past the political nonsense to the essence of what I dreamed of for this nation.

I will not claim this was my doing, ownership belongs to srg and him alone however it pleased me that we both saw what was needed.

Our MPP’s have been raised, eArgentina were put in their place (After making some threats Srg basically told them to stfu and bring it!) and much to my surprise, eIndo have continued to remain our peaceful neighbours. We continue to hold all states and have engaged in a highly successful training war with eNew Zealand.

And now after two solid months of growth the vultures have started to gather. I will not name them, its very obvious who they are, there are articles all over the place preaching propaganda, proclaiming innocence, smoke and mirrors, diversions and outright lies. They seek to take advantage of our present position for their own aims.

After the last month where we have made steps to regain our position on the world stage, we have stared down eArgentina, we had protected our friends in eNZ, and stood on the highest rooftop proclaiming our continued loyalty to those whom we owe so much (Terra/Eden) and I cannot simply sit back and watch everything be endangered by unknown candidates.

I am once more throwing my hat into the ring.

There are no grand or sweeping changes I plan other than to strive to push forth with the endeavours of Prime Minister Srg91's work in Office. I will build our presence further on the world stage through diplomacy and commit more funding to the ADF for lower level players. I will always engage the new players in the running of our community paving the way for the future of our nation.

I (if selected) will be running under the banner of the AI, a political party with no grand schemes of domination, rather a group of individuals who all have our nations best interests at heart and I have also asked for endorsements from the APP and the GGP and am looking forward to their reply.