Irish Citizen Army: Update

Day 880, 01:31 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
Irish Citizen Army- Fighting for Justice, Liberty and Independence


1- South Africa
2- Australia
3- ICA Resistance Success
4- Sign-up for ICA

South Africa

For the past number of weeks the ICA has been involved in the liberation of South Africa. We saw an injustice occur on a small nation like our own. We could not stand by and do nothing while this was happening.

Since then the ICA has been involved in many battles there in the following regions-

We applaud the spirit of the South African people in refusing to surrender. That alone makes them natural allies of the Irish. The ICA will continue to support the people of South Africa whenever they need it. Hope we saved our fair share of goats for you guys 🙂


One negative of this war was the loss of the region of Western Australia to Indonesia and the failure of the Admins to rectify the result. In what was one of the biggest battles in Erepublik history, if not the biggest, they failed to close the battle after Australia pushed the wall into no-mans land twice in the 50 minutes of over-time. To make matters worse, a Peace Treaty passed meaning Australian MPPs against Indonesia are now gone and Indonesia have placed a Q5 Hospital and Defense System in the region. ICA fought with everything we had in that battle and we will not forget our new allies. The result will just have to be rectified the hard way it seems.

Resistance Medal and Thanks to BSD

One huge positive for the ICA was we brought a Resistance Medal home after the liberation of the region of Mpumalanga. A special thanks must go to our friends in BSD, a Croatian Militia who kept the wall down for us in the early stages when we were busy fighting in Guateng. This gave us a fighting chance at the end. Thanks BSD, and thanks for the new bot for our IRC channel too. o7

What does it mean to be a part of the ICA?

The ICA is about activity, teamwork, discipline, sacrifice, honour and respect for your fellow Soldiers. We focus on ranking up our Soldiers quickly by distributing the weapons we make ourselves even for the Training Wars. If you would like to be considered for the Irish Citizen Army, fill out this form.

Be warned, the most important person in the ICA is not yourself, it is the guy standing next to you. If he does not perform, the whole group suffers. Military Rank alone will not get you a place in the ICA. Inactivity and under performance will not be accepted in the ICA. Those who place personal gain above the betterment of the force need not apply to the Irish Citizen Army.