Iran Finally Gains Control of eArmenia!! Anthony Feeling Very Shocked!!

Day 3,117, 17:24 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

the ALP's leader, Anthony have sadly announced that Iran has taken officially take over all of eArmenia and as a result, the current government of eArmenia will be forced to operate in exile mode while Iran will set up a brutal government in eArmenia. He also wants the ALP and the AHC to merge operations so that the new party can help restore and save eArmenia from another political collapse and that it can help defeat Iran. Anthony also wants eArmenians to support the ALP's new presidential candidate this June so that eArmenia will be restored and more stronger than ever. That way, the new party can arrest corrupt and evil Iranian leaders and to put them to prison or death.

He also created his Plan B in the event of eArmenia being taken over again by Iran:

-To set up a huge secret paramilitary force

-To maintain the current democratic government in eArmenia

-To set up a independent investigation so that it can examine what happen to eArmenia and that who's involved in the attack.

-To heavily support 4 resistance wars so in that way, eArmenia can be saved and can be restored back to life and to knock out Iran for good.

-To set up peaceful protests throughout eArmenia, demanding Iran to give up on controlling eArmenia and to let our democratic government be allowed to legally govern eArmenia.

What's your say? Do you think you agree with his plan? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thank You! We Love to Hear from You! Your Opinion Matters!