Impreuna la Concurs / Together for the contest

Day 2,072, 12:00 Published in Romania Romania by Romanian Liberator
EN version:

Dear brothers, Templars and from any country and MU,

The MU contest starts NOW and we all want to win. Without many words, I invite you in Templars MU for this week and the one to come. Together we will surely be in Top50 worldwide and get all the benefits of the contest - 4 EB each day.

But I will give you 3 more reasons:

1. We are a very large MU and our chat is always animated and fun, you will have a great time here if you want to meet new people;
2. You will get full supplies each day, it doesn't matter how much damage you make just send the printscreen and we will supply all the q7's;
3. Top 10 fighters this week will receive a 10.000 cc prize each (so we will keep none of the 100.000 cc prize, all will be given to the best fighters).

So ... no talk, let's fight, join the Templars.

RO version:

Dragi colegi, Templieri si de pretutindeni,

Incepe concursul de UM-uri si e pacat sa nu il castigam. Fara multe inflorituri, vino azi in UM Templierii si ramai alaturi de noi o saptamana, pe perioada concursului (si cea de dupa, cand primim toti premiile). Impreuna vom fi sigur in top 50 mondial si vom avea beneficiile prezentate aici - in special cele 4 EB-uri suplimentare pe zi.

Iti dau 3 motive speciale:

1. suntem un UM cu multi colegi, daca ai chef de distractie la noi pe chat e intotdeauna activitate;
2. oricat de mult lupti te vom ajuta cu arme, decontam zilnic in functie de damage-ul dat, oricate q7 ai consumat;
3. toti cei 100.000 cc primiti premiu la concurs vor fi oferiti bonus celor mai "luptatori" dintre noi, primii 10 clasati in UM in functie de damage-ul dat in saptamana concursului

Vorba lunga, moarte sigura, deci hai in Templierii acum!