Huey George for CP

Day 4,671, 23:52 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George


I'll opt for a brief manifesto this campaign. I'm not proposing to alter the direction set by predecessors if elected. I will keep our steady increase in activity going and keep our foreign and financial position stable. I will continue to ensure we have the expectations met that we hold on the office of our Country President.

Player Support

Supporting our player base is vital young and established. If elected my government will look to support UK citizens with weapons, food, Training Ground Grants*, Q1 Housing grants* and guidance.

*I'll discuss grants with Congress however I feel we can provide Q1 houses for free to those unable to afford or in-need of housing (similar to past schemes). In addition, we may be able to provide gold to upgrade Training Grounds to new UK citizens who been here for a little bit however are yet able to fully upgrade their Training Grounds.

My Government will also be very interested in hearing about any other support needs you have as players.

Government Communication

National Feed Shouts, In-game PMs, Discord, Telegram

I will continue in-game messages involving UK MU commanders, 2nd Commanders, Captains and fighters to support the coordination of UK damage for the UK and her allies. In addition, consider schemes which help alert UK fighters of specific battle conditions or rounds.

I will once again use a Discord server. The British Armed Forces Coordination - Discord Server

The server channel structure is fairly simple;

Three "Command" channels where with permissions can post orders and links and those confirmed as UK fighters can check where you should be directing your damage in ground battles and aircraft battles for the UK or her allies and where to start resistance wars.

A general channel where UK fighters can post to ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighters

I've added a #bot-chat channel similar to other Erep discord servers that you can use "! help" to find out all the useful information you can ask the Socrates bot to provide you, like when Resistance Here battles can be started or where the cheapest Q1 houses or Q7 Weapons .etc can be found in the world

Please note until you are confirmed as a UK fighter your visibility of the server will be limited. (Just involves me spotting you’ve joined and assigned you the correct roles.

The eUnited Kingdom telegram group will also continue to be a place to support the coordination of UK damage for the UK and her allies and maintain relationships with our allies.

Finally, the communication channels above will be used in conjunction with national wall feed shouts.

How to contact me

Ingame - Huey George

Discord - Huey George#7079

Telegram - (

Foreign, Defence and Financial Affair

My plan is that our training wars will continue as they have been with Bulgaria, Serbia and the Netherlands. Our training war with Ireland has recently come to an end. Our training wars will be important to maintain to give UK fighters opportunities for medals, true patriot damage and to complete daily orders.

Our resource concessions deal with Spain will continue to provide the eUK income from conceding our iron and sand for a proportion of Spain's GDP.

Our monetary market activity will also continue to generate extra revenue from our taxable income.

Our important regions for producers will remain free and our tax revenue from our training war partners will continue to be returned.


I'm fortunate that JiminyChristmas will continue as Minister of Defence and that CptChazbeard. will take up the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs as the current post holder doesn't have the time for the role.

I still need to find a Prime Minister and Minister of Education, please do get in touch if you are interested in helping out this term in either of these roles or just generally.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Education)
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom