Huey George for CP - Your Country

Day 1,779, 10:31 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Some final thoughts before the elections on the 5th.

My campaign can be summed up

I want as many citizens as possible to have a say in how the country is run.

I feel the best way to achieve this is via in-game communication. I'd like to see a revolution in newspapers. If key decisions are debated in public and referendums held, we all can take ownership of them. I want a fairer society where we encourage free-thinking and creativity.

As Country President (Prime Minister) I will be your servant in this as in all things.

I also want to address the economy,

I'm not saying I have all the answers, however I feel we as a country do. I think it can be said the current system of taxation in the eUK is failing the new and young citizens and it's not exactly helping our older more experienced citizens. It's be often thrown around that what you earn as a worker isn't important however if you don't have many companies or only a food company, it can be a sizable portion of what you can afford to spend and encourage you to stay in the eUK and the game as a whole.

As Country President (Prime Minister) I will strive to help all those in need, strong or weak, rich or poor, influential or unknown.

This is just some final thoughts my cornerstone policies can be found here

About Me
I might seem like an unknown to some of you however I've always lived in the eUK since the day I was born Feb 25, 2009 (3 years and 8 months ago) fighting side by side all those who stay through good times and bad, keeping up with the political climate of this country, offering my views and opinions.

I have 41 hard worker achievement medals - What does this say about me? It says I'm here daily and I will continue to be as your Country President (Prime Minister).

The Daily eWorker will tell you all you need to know about my views over the years as I frequently publish articles. I will continue to do so if elected.

The W o r k e r s' Rights Party, My heart We might be small however every member I count a friend and I know I'll be able to rely on them for support as much as any candidate from more popular parties.

I have friends across the political spectrum, I consider myself naturally initially neutral and open to all polices and efforts to improve the eUK from any party or individual.

I'm not denying that my term as Country President (Prime Minister) will be different however it could be just what the eUK needs.

So I hope when you do go to vote, you consider voting for me.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Captain 3rd Regiment of the Liberty Military Unit