Huey George for Country President - Statement and Manifesto

Day 3,971, 15:40 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Huey George for Country President

In a democracy, the principle of accountability holds that government officials — whether elected or appointed by those who have been elected — are responsible to the citizenry for their decisions and actions.

In order that officials may be held accountable, the principle of transparency requires that the decisions and actions of those in government are open to public scrutiny and the public has a right to access government information.

Both concepts are central to the very idea of democratic governance. Without accountability and transparency, democracy is impossible.

In their absence, voters are necessarily ignorant in their electoral choices; elections and the notion of the will of the people lose their meaning and government has the potential to become arbitrary and self-serving.

The eUK "Governments" has at times fallen short in upholding the principles of accountability and transparency, these shortfalls should be a

Shortly you will go to the polls and choose between

Myself (Huey George)
Jack Jockson
King William the Great

Rather unusually for a campaign for election, I'm going to share my deep appreciation for a fellow candidate CptChazbeard. His strength, diplomacy, political and military insight and leadership is inspiring. Given time in the Country President role he'd strengthen and build the togetherness and policy we are a little short of in the eUK and be this catalyst for change we need.

So if you've already decided to cast your vote in his direction you may need to read this article no further.

However, I did put myself forward for your consideration and thus doing so I myself need to be prepared to do my very best for the eUK and her allies if elected. I should also share with you how I'd go about doing so with my


The goals of my term;

Introduce the eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend

With the support of Congress, I want to keep and share records of Government decisions and spend to increase accountability and transparency. It'll also help continuity between Congressional and Country Presidency terms if adopted beyond a term.

These records will contain;

CP/Congress Discussion Summary and Action Log
Complete Law Proposals Record
Help to Buy' a Q1 House Records
TG Loans Scheme Records
MoD spend on traditional conflicts and TWs management Records
MoD spend against internal MTOs Records
MoD spend against external MTOs Records
MoFA MPPs Spend Records
MoF Stockpiling Records
MoF eUK Loss of production compensation Records
MoF Monetary Market Activity Records

I will use a gSheet to act as the tool for this records management endeavour. These records will start to be maintained from the start of my term. However, some example / current data has been included for review.

(Link -

Short link - eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend

Post-election request for Congressional Discussion 1 - Are Congress supportive of public keeping the records proposed using the tool proposed?

Re-establish our foreign policy position with Congressional Input.

and I want to set aside a budget of £130,000.00 for spend MPPs approved by the usual law proposal Congressional votes however overseen and scrutinised by a Foreign Affairs Select Committee of Congressional members to put this re-establish our foreign policy position into practice.

Post-election request for Congressional Discussion 2 - What should our foreign affairs position be? Which MPPs should we sign? Do Congress need a Foreign Affairs Select Committee to keep oversight or can it continue to be a 40 Congressional Membership oversight?

Maintain and manage Training Wars underpinned by universally known agreements underpinned by a cohesive foreign affairs policy.

To achieve the above, be preparee for possible invasion via land borders or airstrikes and support allies in critical battles set aside a budget of £800,000.00 for MoD spend on COs and Supplies overseen and scrutinised by Defence Select Committee.

Post-election request for Congressional Discussion 3 - Training Wars agreements to be share once developed for Congressional approval. Is Congress in approval of a budget of £800,000.00 to the MoD to fight against invasion (via land borders or airstrikes and TWs), to help manage agreed training wars and support allies in critical battles? Do Congress need a Defence Select Committee to keep oversight or can it continue to be a 40 Congressional Membership oversight?

Develop guidance and consider a budget for Government and Congress to support an agreed response Internal MTO and External MTOs. Hopefully my term will avoid either however we do need to discuss how we'd handle one? If difficult decisions about spending are made prior to MTOs, it'll help reduce tension and the pressure of the situation. Personally, I'm very much in the view that if possible all should be in agreement.

Post-election request for Congressional Discussion 4 - Should the response to Internal MTO and External MTOs be planned for separately? Should separate budgets be agreed? If budgets are set aside, what amount should we store or use from the National Treasure? Or should this be decided quickly on a case by case basis? Do we need a separate select committee?

Ensure the National Organisation are well managed

Continue the 'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme introduced by this article - [MoF] - UK Tutorial - Work and Houses / Help to Buy Q1

Budget - £62,000.00 (current)

Maintain the Bank of England Monetary Market Trust and Government Monetary Market Activity- As a reminder, the Ministry of Finance is taking advantage of the gold price on the monetary market by operating a Bank of England Trust for citizens and allies to invest in and using national organisation using only Government funds.

Budget - £1,954,199.02 not including re-cycled profits (current)

Continue the Player Support Programme of Training Ground Loans, however, introduce Home Affairs Select Committee oversight.

Budget - 150 Gold (proposed)

Introduce Stockpiling and a Munitions Select Committee Oversight Policy will be further developed and presented on during my term.

Budget - £400,000.00 (proposed)

Introduce a fund to support eUK citizens who lose out on production after the loss of our regions with compensation Policy will be further developed and presented on during my term.

Budget - £250,000.00 (proposed)

Post-election request for Congressional Discussion 5 - Review player support schemes and profit /stockpiling schemes and consider budgets suggested and make approvals. Do Congress need a various (detailed in the eUK Public Records) Select Committee to keep oversight or can it continue to be a 40 Congressional Membership oversight?

Endeavour to be communicative with the eUK citizens and Congress via publications, transparent record keeping, discord and telegram.

Ingame - Huey George

Discord - Huey George#7079

Telegram - (

Maybe the most important part my Cabinet

Defence and Foreign Affairs
CptChazbeard. and Huey George

Finance and Home Affairs
Huey George and Azidano Valkran

I'll look to expand my cabinet as required as we enter the term however I feel there is a benefit with starting with a small but perfectly formed team initially.


Hopefully, this manifesto comes across as positive and realistic. Also as an advocate for democracy and optimist, I'm aware it'll come across as a little less "dictatorial" and less I and more we then we may traditionally look for in our Country Presidents, however, it'd be good to break away from the sense that we need one citizen or a small group of citizens to be active and leaders to be successful in Government with the rest of us docile or passive approvers or criticisers. Let us all be positive, in an inclusive community where all citizens are valued for the skills and experience that they bring and everyone can feel confident to bring something.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Education)
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom