How are we doing? Who are the best? And other questions.

Day 1,546, 08:58 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision
A brief look back...

A little over a week has passed since the latest Country Presidential election. The Freeholder Press had predicted a landslide victory for Kronos Q based on the polling data it had accumulated leading up to the contest. If you recall the final survey numbers showed the following:

Kronos Q 58.9%

Simon Boucher-Ruest 16.1%

Octavian_F 14.3%

Rolo Tahmasee 8.9%

We had further predicted that Rolo’s support numbers would be substantially higher once the real voting began but that it was impossible to estimate by how much. Plugson theorized that a good starting point would be to remove 12% from the leader, give half to Rolo and half to the other contestants. When it was announced that Addy Lawrence would make a last minute appearance on the ballot, Plugson estimated that maybe a 20% swing would be more appropriate.

It was fascinating to watch the effect that Addy’s candidacy would have on the vote. Would his name be enough to change the race? Had he burned too many bridges? Would a last minute article make a difference?

The final results were:

Kronos Q 43%

Rolo Tahmasee 26.2%

Octavian_F 16%

Simon Boucher-Ruest 7.9%

Addy Lawrence 6.9%

Considering the sample size, Plugson’s 12-20 point swing was pretty accurate. What is a bit more surprising is that all of it appears to have gone to Rolo. Were the numbers skewed due to the apparent one-sidedness of the race? Hard to tell but what appears beyond question is that Rolo enjoys the support of a quarter of the electorate and that if you analyze the data over the course of the past months, that support appears to be firming up.

The final analysis of Addy’s surprise candidacy is that it torpedoed SBR’s campaign. As much as Rolo gained against Kronos Q, all of SBR’s collapsing numbers can be found in Addy’s last place finish.

So a 16 point margin of victory is not the landslide result predicted but it is a very strong win and mandate. The poll could only have been more accurate with more sample and greater participation of the “casual” segment of our community. Overall a success nonetheless.

Next survey!


The next installment of the survey is ready for your participation. It is always fun to rank things, it makes for great debates. Therefore I’m asking a couple of “Best of” type questions this time around. Also included are some current issues type of questions.

The donation amount is set at $100 per respondent. Furthermore, I will have a random draw of $1,000 for every 25 citizens that completes the questionnaire. The survey fund currently has just over $14,000 in reserve thanks to its sponsors.

As always your votes, answers and support is greatly appreciated.


On another note...

I’m an “old” player and the Freeholder Press is an “old” publication. I would like to update it a bit with some graphics or a new logo but my technical skills in that department are not very good. If you feel inspired and have some design ideas to suggest to me, please contact me by PM and we can talk.

... and another...

I would also like to say that I remain open to any feedback you may have. If there is something you would like to see published in this newspaper, do not hesitate to share it with me. If you have ideas on the types of questions you would like to see asked, I’m open to that too. I may include some more “international” questions in future editions but I’m not sure how well that would work considering my almost exclusively Canadian reader base.

Thank you.