Houston, we have a problem! Lompel are coming..

Day 1,358, 04:12 Published in Poland Hungary by Borembukkk

Sorry dear polish citizen, but my nation have a big problem, named by: Lompel, Alglob and thousands of angry Croatians and Romanians and now all EDEN country fight against us.

I see, the missions is main priority, but if all battle from poland has more than 60% and you have some free hit, pls help us against united Cromanian army.

Hungary vs Lompellan😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/9888

Hungary vs Yetilandia RW: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/9892

Thanks for all, who fight our side! (and sry my terrible english)