Home Stretch. Take a minute, make a $100, have your say!

Day 1,534, 14:51 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

**UPDATE: Poll closed, 56 responses is the final number. Thank you.**

Welcome to the last poll before the February Country President elections. The participation and feedback have been excellent and I want to thank all of you for helping make this a success.


A strange thing happened during the course of the last survey... donations big and small started coming in, adding to the pot of what my original sponsors had provided. I would love to make of these polling exercises a business but once I actually started working on them, that was not my intention at all. Therefore I find myself in a position where I can increase the amount I grant for your answers from $50 to $100.

The only concern people have expressed to me so far has to do with confidentiality. Ultimately it is a question of trust but I will explain the practice I’ve employed so far. When donating to citizen accounts, I grab only the ID from the survey database (none of the associated answers). Later, when compiling the data, I do the opposite and grab everything except for the ID. Lastly, I’ve so far worked on the analysis while being offline. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t identify the answers of any one participant, obviously I possess that data, but I’ve worked to minimize that temptation. If you don’t trust me, you don’t answer... if you don’t answer, my data isn’t as good. Therefore it is in my best interest to keep your answers strictly confidential.

You will notice a few changes in the questions. I’ve restricted the options for party membership. This is partly to streamline the survey and partly because the sample for non-top 5 parties has been so small. If I discovery a significant change in the participation of members from non-top 5 parties, I may change it again. The choices for Country President has been restricted to 5. This is the reflect the fact that parties are starting to make official their choices. It may still change (Kronos Q and Wally Cleaver are not confirmed and nobody ever knows what Rolo will do).

I realize that questions that deal with ethics are never black and white and that by limiting the choices I appear to be simplifying it that way. Please answer the best way you can knowing that each question has more nuance than can be measured in a survey.

I’ve removed the comments question. Please feel free to provide the feedback to me directly if you would like.

10 question. Approximately 1 minute. $100.


Thank you for your time and support.