Day 1,499, 18:19 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

420 MUSIC: Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35

Greetings and Salutations, New Worl😛

Maybe you are sitting at your computer. You're looking over the boring party forums where you see the same old crap. You get bored and wonder why the hell you are in this damned party anyway.

Or maybe you've been active in party leadership and have worked your butt off for two straight months. The time comes and you finally decided to run for Party President. Election day comes and you are defeated by an old timer who has done basically nothing for two months.

Parties suck.

I've been actively involved in the political sphere of the New World for quite awhile, and I have been in leadership in many, many wonderful parties. I have learned that parties are all about a very few number of things:

• parties should be places where like-minded people get together to hang out and meet new like-minded people.

• parties should be places that help educate them members.

• parties should be places where members are given the opportunity to run for Congress.

• parties should be fun and "chill".

These two guys are about to have some "fun"

I am in the process of getting a team together in an effort to create a new political party. One that is fun, a place to chill, and that gets people elected to Congress. One thing we will not have is a party ideology.

Pfeiffer says: Having a specific ideology in eRepublik is stupid.

So if you are interested in joining on a fun new party, please let me know in an in-game message. By the way, what will the name of this new party be?

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Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

Click to visit my Facebook page.

What's that fragrance?!?!