Hi, Venezuela!

Day 3,372, 12:52 Published in Venezuela North Korea by Silexu
Hola Venezuela


I forgot to thank Alnitak 22 who was very open and fast in providing me the Venezuelan citizenship.

Almost one year ago I've started a Globe Trotter Project with the good intention to visit all the countries in eRepublik. Meanwhile I've managed to reach 53 countries and publish as many articles. I apologies that my article is not written in Spanish, my knowledge about the language is very limited.

I am glad to be back to South America, it is so cold here where I live. And I've already seen so many sunny places in Venezuela.

Please tell me if you are interested to participate in a Picture Contest by sending me some pictures about beauties of Venezuela and I will come with more details. The pictures does not need to be taken personal, but you know better than anyone what is amazing in Venezuela.

The best I can do is to crawl the Net and find something like this.

Maracaibo Mission

Angel Falls

Hi, Venezuela!