Hi, Croatia! - Picture Contest's voting phase started - cast your vote!

Day 3,335, 14:49 Published in Croatia North Korea by Silexu
Bok, Hrvatska!

You can cast your vote here.

Almost one year ago I've started a Globe Trotter Project with the good intention to visit all the countries in eRepublik. Meanwhile I've managed to reach 47 countries and publish as many articles, but one I really wanted to reach was Croatia.

Most of the countries I've visited were for the first time during my project. Only few of them I have visited before. And Croatia is the first country I've asked for citizenship long time ago. There were hard times for Romanians (my real CS, we were surrounded by enemies) and I was looking for a country with better work bonuses. Well, that times the Economy was still working somehow. I did not fight for Croatia at that times, I think its military stability was good enough. Instead I've bought the first market licence with it's very expense price of 20 Gold, just to be able to sell the product I have been producing.

As I said, I liked to come back to Croatia several times. Unfortunately the relations between Croatia and Romania worsened. Thus when I've tried, I have been rejected. Lately I have contacted Gideonn and tried again for CS. It was my great pleasure when he positively answered my request and promptly supported me to get the citizenship.

Great thanks to Gideonn!

Usually when I am coming to a new country I am writing a Hi article. Starting couple of months ago, I've transformed these articles in a contest. However, in the last three countries I've visited I did not push to organize the contest.
Well, I have the feeling the Croatian community is bigger so I would like to try the contest again. Drummmmmm!

The Picture Contest

The purpose of this contest is to encourage Croatian people to promote their country with pictures of their hidden gems. Basically the contest will have three phases: picture proposal, voting and prize delivery.

Krka National Park

Dubrovnik aerial view

If you want to participate please comment in this article. If I see that people are interested, I will update the article with more information. The idea is that, later on, you will need to send me some pictures of Croatia. A small description test can increase the odds that the picture is voted later on, so take that in consideration.

I see that there is interest in the contest so I will present the phases.

The Picture Contest phases
Short version
Send me in a message up to three pictures that resembles Croatia each with a small text describing the picture and you may win 500CC.

Long version
The project, called Picture Contest, is split in three phases:
- Picture proposal;
- Picture voting;
- Handling the prize (500CC) to the winner.

Picture proposal
In order to enter the contest you have to provide me, in a private message (not comment), picture(s) from Croatia. They can be personal pictures or can be taken from the Internet. Still as a local player you know the places and you know what to search for. My advise is that the pictures should not be too small; they don't look OK in the article.

You can send me max 5 pictures from every player, please put them in clear order in one message. Please also put a small text describing every picture. If in total there are less than 12 pictures proposed I post all the pictures. Otherwise I will choose the first ones from each player.

The deadline for sending me pictures is 10:00 eRep time on day 3337.

In the situation there is only one player, I will stop the contest and handle a prize of 200CC to him/her and I will no proceed to voting.

Disclaimer: The pictures you will provide may be part of the final article; it would be a pity not to use such beautiful pictures.

Picture voting
After the first deadline I will post all the selected pictures from the received ones (see above about selected pictures per player). The posting may happen in this article, or in a separate one for visibility. I will allow people to vote 3 pictures. The vote will end at 10:00 eRep time on day 3339.

Handling the prize
I will count first vote as 3 points, second as 2 points and third as 1 point. The picture with most points will be the winner; the player who proposed it will receive 500CC. If I receive donations I will increase or add prizes for other final places.

Good luck to all participants!
Globe Trotter Itinerary

I have invitations for following countries. I will apply to them as soon as I am finishing with the previous one. If you want me to come to your country and think you can support me in getting CS please send me a message and I will add your country to the list.

I have also promises for support in getting CS for next countries. As I mentioned before, if I will receive a direct invitation, that will mean more interest for the project, so I will add/move the country to the previous list.

Hi, Croatia! - Enter the Picture Contest and you can win 500CC!