Hi, Canada!

Day 3,410, 13:24 Published in Canada North Korea by Silexu

[Update 2]
As I said, I received 2 pictures already and I understood that there is interest in the contest from another player. So let's try the contest! Maybe others will like to join.

The Picture Contest
Short version
Send me in a message (not comment to this article) up to three pictures that resembles Canada each with a small text describing the picture and you may win 1000CC.
Deadline for sending pictures is 00:00 eRep time on day 3414. So you have almost two full days to send the pictures.

Long version after the pictures.

[Update 1]

I already received two pictures. With two three more and one two more players we can organize the contest.
What do you think?

Hello, Canada!

Almost one year ago I've started a Globe Trotter Project with the good intention to visit all the countries in eRepublik. Meanwhile I've managed to reach 60 countries and publish as many articles.
You may enjoy the last one, Globe Trotter in Czech Republic which contains, at the end, an itinerary to all the other countries.

The last North American country visited, Canada. As saying, the last but not least. I have a good old friend from University living there and it was not once he asked to go. Who knows, maybe in the future.

Everybody know about Niagara Falls. But I am wandering what beauties is Canada still hiding. Do I have the chance to talk with a local player that is willing to share some not widely know but amazing places? You can tell me that in comments and I can search for pictures. Or you can directly send me links to pictures.

And if you want to make it even nicer we can organize a picture contest like I did in the past. Just let me know if there are people interested and I will update the article with the rules. The basics are that you are sending me some picture links, I am collecting them into an article and organize a voting.
So? Interested?

Meanwhile you may want to enjoy some beautiful places (source: 17 Reasons to Visit Canada in 2017)

Butchart Gardens in Victoria

Old ship in West Edmonton Mall

Confederation Bridge

The Picture Contest
Long version
The project, called Picture Contest, is split in three phases:
- Picture proposal;
- Picture voting;
- Handling the prize (1000CC) to the winner.

Picture proposal
In order to enter the contest you have to provide me, in a private message (not comment), picture(s) from Canada. They can be personal pictures or can be taken from the Internet. Still as a local player you know the places and you know what to search for. My advise is that the pictures should not be too small; they don't look OK in the article.

You can send me max 5 pictures from every player, please put them in clear order in one message. Please also put a small text describing every picture. If in total there are less than 12 pictures proposed I post all the pictures. Otherwise I will choose the first ones from each player.

The deadline for sending me pictures is 00:00 eRep time on day 3414.

Disclaimer: The pictures you will provide may be part of the final article if there will be a separate one; it would be a pity not to use such beautiful pictures.

Picture voting
After the first deadline I will post all the selected pictures from the received ones (see above about selected pictures per player). I will allow people to vote 3 pictures. The vote deadline will be announced in the contest article.

Handling the prize
I will count first vote as 3 points, second as 2 points and third as 1 point. The picture with most points will be the winner; the player who proposed it will receive 1000CC. If I receive donations I will increase or add prizes for other final places.

Hi, Canada! - Propose pictures for Picture Contest!