Hi, Bosnia and Herzegovina! - [Update] Picture Contest delayed till the morning

Day 3,375, 13:10 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina North Korea by Silexu
Zdravo, Bosna i Hercegovina

[Update 2]
I received pictures from several players so I expect a very nice contest. But I had a short night and a hard day. I am thus not able to write more than these sentences. I will come back in the morning with the voting article. Consequently I will extend the voting period.
Thank you for understanding!

I received messages from different people that want to organize a picture contest. So the people are prepared to participate. That's great!

I also saw messages about different regions in BiH. My dear friends, I don't want to make any difference. The nature does not care if the people traveling around are from a nationality or another. The beautiful buildings does not care if Christians or Muslims are enjoying their architecture. Let's make this country, as a whole and known as Bosnia and Herzegovina, famous in the world.

The Picture Contest
Short version
Send me in a message (not comment to this article) up to three pictures that resembles Bosnia and Herzegovina each with a small text describing the picture and you may win 500CC.

Long version after the pictures


[Original article]

Almost one year ago I've started a Globe Trotter Project with the good intention to visit all the countries in eRepublik. Meanwhile I've managed to reach 54 countries and publish as many articles. I apologies that my article is not written in Bosnian language, my knowledge about it is very limited.

Honestly I have not so much knowledge about Bosnia. So if you are a local player who knows beauties of your country please help me to share them to the world. If you like to organize a picture contest with other players just let me know and I will come back with some rules (as I did it in the past articles).

Meanwhile let me share what I could find about Bosnia.

Stari Most (Old Bridge), Mostar

Una River

The Picture Contest
Long version
The project, called Picture Contest, is split in three phases:
- Picture proposal;
- Picture voting;
- Handling the prize (500CC) to the winner.

Picture proposal
In order to enter the contest you have to provide me, in a private message (not comment), picture(s) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. They can be personal pictures or can be taken from the Internet. Still as a local player you know the places and you know what to search for. My advise is that the pictures should not be too small; they don't look OK in the article.

You can send me max 5 pictures from every player, please put them in clear order in one message. Please also put a small text describing every picture. If in total there are less than 12 pictures proposed I post all the pictures. Otherwise I will choose the first ones from each player.

The deadline for sending me pictures is 12:00 eRep time on day 3377. You were prepared so one day should be enough.

Disclaimer: The pictures you will provide may be part of the final article if there will be a separate one; it would be a pity not to use such beautiful pictures.

Picture voting
After the first deadline I will post all the selected pictures from the received ones (see above about selected pictures per player). I will allow people to vote 3 pictures. The vote will end at 12:00 eRep time on day 3378 (one full day for voting).

Handling the prize
I will count first vote as 3 points, second as 2 points and third as 1 point. The picture with most points will be the winner; the player who proposed it will receive 500CC. If I receive donations I will increase or add prizes for other final places.

Hi, Bosnia and Herzegovina!