Help Albania if you want surprises...

Day 1,580, 09:30 Published in Albania North Macedonia by ¤Anon.4750191¤

We, the government of Albania are preparing a super surprise for all eWorld in some days. So help us to make it really happen!

Special Staff of Albania is the Albanian national army and its the main place that needs help. So donate at Kris Hasa if you want to help. All donations will be written here.

PS: Part of donations will go to FPZH (Fondacioni Per Zhvillim) Translation: Foundation for Development

Joep O has transfered 7500 ALL to your account.
duran71 has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
AlexMCS182 has transfered 2000 ALL to your account.
AlexMCS182 has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
AlexMCS182 has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
Léon Reno has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Léon Reno has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
DimaBledi has transfered 1000 ALL to your account.
GanshoZ has transfered 1000 ALL to your account.
bagwe.LL has transfered 2000 ALL to your account.
Kicker78 has transfered 2000 ALL to your account.
Eldorino has transfered 2000 ALL to your account.
FRITZHILL has transferred 500 Weapons to your storage.
Ivan Terible has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
Turie has transferred 700 Food to your storage.
Turie has transferred 300 Weapons to your storage.
kengurss has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
kengurss has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
Guerrick has transferred 28 Food to your storage.
yuvy15 has transferred 383 Food to your storage.
yuvy15 has transfered 2000 ALL to your account.
Ashwamedh has transfered 1000 ALL to your account.
LYON BEER has transferred 48 Weapons to your storage.
Mario Mechenov has transferred 101 Food to your storage.
vedroni has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
vedroni has transfered 3000 ALL to your account.
vedroni has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
ArawnLives has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
El Luchador78 has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
KRIMIKO has transfered 11000 ALL to your account.
Roger Griswald has transfered 25000 ALL to your account.
John TG has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
RruFejaa has transferred 150 Food to your storage.
RruFejaa has transferred 30 Food to your storage.
Atila0185 has transfered 1000 ALL to your account.
Atila0185 has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
Andi Braimllari has transferred 239 Food to your storage.
Andi Braimllari has transferred 78 Food to your storage.
Andi Braimllari has transfered 3104 ALL to your account.
Andi Braimllari has transfered 6 Gold to your account.
Alb0Golem has transferred 300 Food to your storage.
Alb0Golem has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
gravisse has transferred 494 Food to your storage.
Tina Kastrati has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Tina Kastrati has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
Arlind the Destroyer has transfered 1000 ALL to your account.
Arlind the Destroyer has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
tonnu007 has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
Ke Vin has transfered 137 ALL to your account.
Lucius Herenius has transferred 500 Food to your storage.