Hello. I am Jude Connors...

Day 937, 23:10 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Hello. I am Jude Connors...


Let's face it, this party needs an enema.

How many of you people still have fun? Five? Ten maybe? I'm willing to bet that whatever number it is, it's not the majority of the members of the project known as the AmericanProgressive Front. In fact, I am sure most of you are bored and wondered what happened since the exciting days when AP F was fresh and new. The super-party... the brainchld of the iconic genius known as Max McFarland 2. An amazing mix of three of the Top Five parties in the USA - AAP, USWP, and the Dem-Reps. Such an amazing idea. One that scared me so bad, I decided to leave the USA. As long as a super part was in existance, they would have control of whatever they wanted.

Sadly, not a reality. Last Congress elections, the APF was a joke, and had failed on epic purportions. Things got worse since then. In the wake of a high profile political takeover; leadership has failed the party, and the rest of you know what has to be done. Max has handed me the gun; now is the time to put the AP F out of its misery.

In it's place, a glorious rebirth will take place. Back from the dead in a legion of Zombies, the historical United States Workers Party will once again rise. And we bring with us fun, progress, and opportunity. Ask the group of people working behind the scenes to make this all happen. Chances are you know one of them. You might be sitting There, talking to them right now. You might be typing a word a second right now, mocking with them of the grandeur and spectacle that the rebirth of the USWP has brought. You might be sending them gifts to help boost their wellness or adding them to your friend lists. You've almost certainly gotten a message from one of them. They're everywhere. In the media... in the ads... in your inbox... in the IRC...

The Zombies Are Everywhere.

So why should you vote for me? Well, that's a good question. To answer, I will toss you some stuff about my experience in politics in the USA, some things found on my eRep wiki page.

* Ambassador to Hungary of United States of America - Currently Since May 25, 2010
* Party president of United States Workers Party - February 5, 2010 – April 15, 2010
* Co-Director of USA Welcoming Committee - November, 2009 – April 15, 2010
* Secretary of the Interior of USA - December 6, 2009 – March 5, 2010
* US Congressman - September 26, 2009 – December 25, 2009
- Congressional Domestic/Internal Committee Chairman - November 26, 2009 – December 25, 2009
- Congressional Government Oversight Committee Chairman - October 26, 2009 – November 25, 2009
* White House Director of Human Resources - October 6, 2009 – November 5, 2009
* Director of Public Relations of Socialist Freedom Party - September 7, 2009 – October, 2009
* Party President of the Haight Independence Party - December 16, 2009 - January 15, 2010

This doesn't even talk about my days as Quartermaster (Lieutenant Colonel) of the US Army or Column Commander in the SFP Bear Cavalry, but you get the jist of it - I have tons of experience in the New World and I am a proven leader.

But you could have saved yourself all this time reading if I would have just told you the truth - that I am the BEST CHOICE for Party President.

But this is not a one man plan. As I stated before, there is an army of people behind me. About twenty-five people - some like Fionia, Sir Valaro Volcrum, tdwester, and ThomasRourke - who have come public and about a score of thers who work in the shadows. Each of us with leadership abilities and experience; each of us wanting a change. Each of us excited to be a part of something fun again.

You can be a part of that. From every quiet two clicker to a member of the AP F Board - you have an opportunity to work with the party. We entend our hands to anyone who wish to be a part of a party that continues to move upward and forward, in teh direction of progress for the party and the nation as a whole. In my last article, I mentioned the Mission Statement of the United States Workers Party. In it I state😛

We expect competence in government and will rigorously vet any candidate that we give the USWP Endorsement. We believe in working with others, from within or without our party, for the betterment of the United States and wholeheartedly support our nation's military and militia groups. In pursuit of these goals, we strive to best represent the United States Worker.

That sentence says it all: Competency, Co-Operation, Support of Military and Militias. If you are ready to Advance America... if you are ready for Progress... if you are ready...


Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...
Jude Connors
USWP Chairman