Hard W ork is Happy W ork

Day 1,635, 08:29 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Here are a couple ideas that I'd like to see as I believe would improve the economy module of the game mechanics.

Hard Worker Achievement – Bonus Perk

While it’s fantastic to receive 5 Gold for each Hard Worker achievement I think the effort to obtain them should also be rewarded by providing an additional individual production bonus for your own companies and the citizen you choose to work for. For example if you have 10 Hard Worker Achievements, your companies would produce 10% more on top of any national production bonuses your country holds. Your employer would also have one employee to assign which provides a 10% bonus to the output from the company they are assigned to work within.

This would make the achievement as valuable as the Super Solider Achievements which in a way give you bonuses in battles as the strength points obtained to achieve them remain with you unlike the days work for the Hard Work Achievement. It’ll also further encourage players to log in daily and make the job market more competitive again and reliable.


Countries' Trading Pacts

Sometimes neighbouring countries mutually agree to “swap” regions to obtain production bonuses. Why can’t the game mechanics do this through some sort of trading pact? For example the eUK would like some fruit to get the production bonus from having the resource they currently lack. The eUK congress could vote for a natural trading partner which has Fruit to trade (similar to natural enemy you can only have one at a time). This natural trading partner could assign one of its region's production bonus over to the eUK in this example a Fruit producing region forfeiting the production bonus this region would have provided to themselves in agreement for Gold or the eUK becoming a mutual natural trading partner, enabling the eUK to be able to assign one of it’s region's production bonus over again forfeiting the bonuses that region would have given the eUK.

This would mean governments could have greater sway over the production of their country by choosing to obtain an additional weapon or food resource or trade away extra resource for example if a country has two Iron producing regions or decides they can live with a reduced overall weapons production bonus to obtain a greater food production bonus.

Having natural trading partners would also aid countries to develop stronger trading relationship and add a whole new strategic element to the game.


Just a couple of ideas that I thought to share as I'd like to see the game develop them if possible...

Thanks for reading.

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Member of the Liberty Military Unit