Guide to start a successful bank/how to detect a scam

Day 798, 19:03 Published in USA Japan by Fruitcommando

I just wrote a hour long article that was pretty damn good and when i pressed submit i was logged out from the timer and the article was lost so now you get a bad one - Thank the admins.


eBanks, you've seen them all over the place and you might be a investor.

But are they legit?">

eBanks have a lot of ways to make money and all of them take risks, the ones i can think of are as follows:
Monetary Market

All of this can work however it could fail.">

When opening a bank you should have about 30-50 gold.
You can then use the monetary market to promise X% profit on Y gold depositors gave you
Loans are kind of out of question as you have almost no gold at this point
Companys are a big risk at this point, you can only afford a q1 and you never know whats going to happen

So you would pick monetary market, now you could lose a lot of money here if you go all out with the money, which would result in you being in debt with depositors and your only choice is to attempt a ponzi scam which is when someone new deposits gold you pay the previous deposits with that gold.. so once you get that going you will get a influx of people donating gold thinking you are legit. (this is why you have to see EXACTLY how they make their gold.) Then you start getting extreme cash because people feel safe donating with you... Now you will be caught if this continues and I highly don't recommend doing this... This is more of telling you how they work.">

Now I personally don't really trust any banks because I believe them to be a scam.. But this is just a guide of how to see a scam or make a bank..whichever way you take it (making the bank obviously doing the opposite of the scammers 😛)

Here's how Real life banks work ... They get deposits they send them to the federal reserve and the federal reserve gives them 2% of the money they deposit in. (this is how they make their money to future their spending budget such as loans)">

So How i believe you could get rid of ponzi scams is simply make a federal reserve which makes banks official and gives them tax payer money (only some of course) to run the bank and perhaps make a profit, if it doesn't obviously it should close.

This is about all i have time to write and if i get 50 votes I'll make a better version and continue with how to make a bank and make a more in depth guide of how to detect a bank scam and how banks work 😉

Thanks for reading! Vote/Sub!

By the way I urge to if you are bilingual to translate this to your native language and post it in the countries that speak the language! I give you full consent to use and spread this around just so long as you provide a link to the original article 🙂