Give Me Democracy or Give Me eDeath

Day 2,681, 12:33 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

As the dictatorship module continues to suck the life blood out to the political module I believe it is time to begin discussing how we can safely return to democracy.

The flaws in the coup mechanics are great. With no citizenship requirement for MU membership foreign PTO’r can easily take a small country like ours.

Our first step in returning to democracy would be to insure we are an undesirable target. We must move the money out of government and government orgs so there is no gold at the end of our rainbow.

Do we have an org outside of the government’s control we can use? There were some org’s awarded to MU’s but I don’t think any of our MU’s got one. Should we give all the money to Rolo for safe keeping?

The return to democracy will cost 200K but this 200k is not our biggest concern. We will need another 200K and more to launch a revolution if the there is a real successful PTO.

There is quite a large determine bonus for countries under dictatorship. Unfortunately this number is not shown any where in game and no formula has been published. What we do know France had a determination bonus of 1.4 after only approximately 10 days under a dictatorship.

I believe this means you don’t go all in to prevent a powerful coup attempt. You give them 10 days to discover the cupboard is bare and then go all in on the next revolution.

Democracy won’t be cheap. In order to afford democracy we will need a large strategic reserve capable of defending and recapturing democracy. A system of putting the countries money safely out of reach regularly must be in place.

Democracy will be more dangerous than our current dictator system but neither is completely bullet proof.

Is the benefit of having a political module worth the risk of democracy?