Gift Pack Giveaway, WRP news and UK Airforce Investment

Day 3,437, 16:30 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Introduction and Gift Giveaway

I have 25 Gifts to give away before the "... end of Day 3,438 or they will be lost! ..." So I thought I'd clog the media with a bit of a giveaway, some WRP news/recruitment and an investment I'd like to make into the UK's Airforce.

UK citizens and citizens from our allied countries can comment on the article to receive the gift of 5 carrots (50 energy) and 1 Gold. (First 25 eligible comments will receive a gift)

Workers' Rights Party

I've been once again elected as Party President of the Workers' Rights Party. Thank you to those who cast their votes in my favour.

I'd like to see the Workers' Rights Party return to the top 5 of British politics once again. So if you're new, why not join the party, if you've been around for a while why don't you give us a thirty-day trial this month?

Let's challenge our established top 5 parties who currently provide us with the majority of our Congressional representation.

Why not join us for thirty-days?

Investing in our Airforce

Finally, I'd like to personally invest into strengthing our Airforce. I've spent a bit of time carrying out some warfare analysis. I'll continue to do so for a little while to track my investment and continue to publish this type of analysis.

A few figures to demostrate the UK's recent Military activity

My investment will invite UK citizens who are members of UK Military Units known to follow UK MoD orders to claim a financial incentive for defeating opponents in aircraft battles.

The exact payment structure may change however it will start for the first few weeks as;

200 to 300 OPPONENTS DEFEATED - AIRCRAFT = £250.00
301 to 400 OPPONENTS DEFEATED - AIRCRAFT = £500.00
401 to 500 OPPONENTS DEFEATED - AIRCRAFT = £750.00

This will be claimable each Tuesday after the refresh of the WEEKLY CHALLENGE and update of the WEEKLY LEADERBOARDS. The first-day claims can be made will be Day 3,444. You will just have to drop me a PM if you'd like to claim a aircraft incentive payment.


I have 25 gifts to give to UK citizens and citizens from our allied countries before the end of Day 3,438. Please comment to receive one.

Join the Workers' Rights Party. Let's make us the number 1 party this month!

Get paid by me each week to continue to improve your aircraft rank and strengthen our airforce.

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom