GF Day 2011: Speedcat Retires, A Hero Emerges

Day 1,318, 23:50 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


One year ago today, I, like many eAmericans deemed as "influential" at the time, sat as I lay banned in eRepublik. It was a night of great fun. Some even call it "the most fun night of eRepublik history".

Tonight, one year later, the eUSA is stunned again as Speedcat McNasty retires from eRepublik.

Speedcat was/is one of the best players in the game. I've had the privileged to work with him in many facets of the game, and without a doubt, I supported him for POTUS. My sadness for the loss of such a great player to the game is only overshadowed by the happiness I feel for someone I consider a friend. Goodbye, Speedy... and Good Luck!

There was one banning a year ago that overshadowed each and every other banning of GD Day 2010;

Today, the "Slayer of Admin" announced he was running for President of the United States

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Civil Anarchy - undoubtedly one of my closest friends in the game and one of the hardest working players in the game - decided to toss his beret into the ring and run for President of the eUSA.

Keep an eye on A Status Quo Exile for more information.

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