Freedom to Choose: Larni's Final Address.

Day 1,506, 19:46 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Firstly, I’ll say I had no idea about the previous KH announcement and
probably would not have run had I known that they would not be endorsing me despite the agreement we reached to drop taxes to 10% for the benefit of all. Though again there was no actual vote there, just a PP who made the decision, that is 3 who have done that and not allowed their members the right to vote instead endorsing srg.

You need to wonder about their motivation, seems simple enough. Its about money and greed, not pride and honour. That said, I do thank the KH’s for at least allowing the eAus people to make a choice rather than continue down the road and simply forgetting the reasons we have fought so hard for so long.

I will use this last article (in theory) to simply point out a few things and summarise my stance. In case you hadn’t noticed the main issued for contention is the deal with eIndonesia, a deal made by the big business people to put gold in their pocket at the cost of the nations honour.

The incumbent CP himself makes enough gold that he uses ALL the training facilities and self funds his own fighting. Presently he sits at over 10k str and possesses a ranking of World Class Force **

Obviously that means he is making some serious money out of the peace deal and why would he want to change? When the decision is to make money or risk the possibility of being wiped, of course there is only one road he can go by.

The list goes on amongst the players who have formed their own little clique against change. They are the businessmen, raking in the gold while the new players and average players struggle to survive. They are the backdoor politician and business men reaping in the rewards and sacrificing the rep of our nation in the eyes of our former allies, and former bros.

They are the voice that scream ‘Do not fight for China” even though the only reason we have a country at all is because of them. That is not the action we should be proud of, and the FIRST TIME eAustralia has not stood with their mates on the battlefield fighting oppressive tyrants? It has only happened over the past week or so and many of us were simply that ashamed of that that we ignored the Gov orders and did so anyway.

It is those people who remain the shiny light of all that was good in this nation, it is those who remember the face of our fathers and give our Bro’s hope that this island is not lost, that our people have not truly surrendered.

Our government is afraid and scared, rightly so, they have the most to lose. But at what cost to the rest of us?

We rarely get the NE bonuses these days and many have failed to complete the bonus missions because of this. Many of our biggest guns, are off shore, aligned with other countries and even some of the Aus business men are not Australian based, though they speak with the voice that they are.

We have people in eChina, eBrazil, eUSA and others for various reasons, there are construction bonuses obviously but when you can get training bonuses for fighting and training daily what soldier would not move away so that they do not fall behind.

We have a mentality in eAus that we look after the clique players, that nobody else is important. Granted there are half assed attempts at bringing in new players but it is a little surprising how much is ‘in the works’ that never gets implemented.

The decision eAus faces is perhaps the biggest in her life and many of you will receive scripted messages detailing who you need to vote for. Ignore those messages completely, I will not be sending any out though people may still decide to do it on my behalf. You will certainly get messages from the political powerhouses. They are like telemarketing calls, they will make it seem like they took the effort to contact you directly where in truth all they do is press one button on a script.

People will attempt to use fearmongering, they will tell you that I am the darkness, the herald of the apocalypse who will lead this nation to its end. They will say many things, lie and manipulate, twist and contort the essence of this election.

eIndo will always invade us upon a whim, they will take our land and our freedom regardless of any deals made. They have done this continually in the past and deep down we all know the only hope of preventing that is to join them, align with the nation who have abused our nation relentlessly.

I have too much honour and pride for that. I have stood on the field of battle as the world came to our aid and wiped eIndo off our lands countless times. There are no greater days in erep. I was there when Java burned for the first time, after suffering years of abuse we torched their capital and laid waste to their nation.

This is a game, everything happens in cycles, eAus has been wiped many times in the past but we always are returned because our friends will not let us go silently into the night and be forgotten. This time around our friends must stand back and let the will of the people make that decision.

Do we turn our backs on our allies and bro’s who have fought so hard for our independence, for so many years, who have sacrificed their own funds and finances to protect us against eIndo’s relentless aggression?

Or do we stand with honour and pride, as eAustralians?

What is the true cost of this freedom? Is it worth sacrificing everything we had fought for?

I say no. I am not interested in business men raking in the gold and political deals that force eAus along a certain path. These are decisions to be made by Senate, not by those who have the most to gain. I am a freedom fighter, I have always been a Freedom Fighter and the fight for eAus will never end until the people get the right to make their own decision about the destiny of our great nation.

When it comes time to vote that is the choice you are in truth making.

Freedom or Subjugation.

It really is that simple.