Fantastic 'Guides' to help play eRepublik - Please VOTE

Day 840, 02:55 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

As part of the changes to the Internal Affairs India organization we would like to bring your attention to the following 'Guides' which have been written by my swedish friend icehacker and I am sure you will agree with me they are fantastically detailed and should answer alot of your questions.

Beginners guide to Erepublik
Business guide for beginners
How to import raw materials
Beginners guide to Congress

Whilst we hope to have our own guides published soon we are also working hard at contacting all new players and guiding them through the early stages and already many new players have been gifted, helped with food and educated on how to fight.

Please vote and subscribe to this article so we can get it to the top so more Indians can be aided, thank you!

David Forde
Minister of Internal Affairs