Day 1,494, 09:52 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery


Why I didn't see this coming I have no idea !

Well, Slovenia has passed a law to make Switzerland their "Natural Enemy" (NE). They want our cattle. This law was proposed by their congress and not by their CP, SmoothZiga. Why do I mention that? Because SmoothZiga would have kept the agreement we made with him.

So, why I didn't see this coming? BECAUSE WE HAD AN AGREEMENT. That's why.

This is a most untimely development. We have congress elections on the 25th. There were to be 2 regions, which would allow us 20 congress members. We haven't had 20 congress members in months and months.

Now, once again, we will have only 1 region for the elections and therefore only 10 congressmen. 😶
My Ministers and I are doing everything possible to contain the situation. But if you readers have any ideas, please PM me.

Now we are going to war yet again. So get prepared. Fight hard and make our country PROUD.
I refuse to hand over our regions to them on a silver platter. Let's show them how we feel about Slovenia.

Fight hard and make our country PROUD.

With great humility...

P.S.: I can't wait to see what our national troll has to say about this !
