
Day 1,572, 06:35 Published in USA Canada by Alias Vision

For over three years I have called Canada home. They say change is never easy and I find that to be true.

I am not the first to leave Canada recently and if you thought you knew why I have made this decision you would likely be right... partly anyways.

I am making this choice because of some of the decisions that have been made recently. Decisions based on a public debate to which I have contributed a little but one which I confess I consciously avoided as much as possible. I am also making this choice based on what I perceive to be the maturity level of those that have controlled the debate. We have been given a glimpse through the looking glass and what gives pleasure to some is meaningless to me. I take no pleasure in trolling individuals or groups, I take no pleasure in destroying. I do want and need to invest myself into something and I have come to the conclusion that those energies may be better served elsewhere. At least for now.

Some will want to frame this into a black and white, winners and losers debate. Let them, they are wrong. In this New World where options and choices are whittled down to their lowest common denominator, there is one thing that can never be revoked. Your right to choose where you wish to put your effort. If your current home nation is making you question your time, frustrates or angers you... you will leave. Sometimes change is good. This is one of those times for me.

That is how I come to you. The US has been many times our greatest ally and closest friend. As similar as we have been, we are also quite different. To me the country is an unknown, a somewhat intimidating unknown whose size I don't understand yet. A country whose position and influence in the New World is completely alien to my small nation mindset.

In others words, many potential challenges and lots of potential discovery.

My Canadian past is one of politics but more importantly (to me) participation in the media. Recently I had started a series of surveys and accompanying analysis that generated a lot of positive feedback. With time perhaps I can find similar niches in this new community.

If not, I can always re-invent myself. That is after all what change is all about.