Everyone's Hero

Day 1,874, 13:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Two days ago I participated in the battle for Ha'il being fought between eSerbia and eTurkey. I decided it would be a fun time to test out those missiles that erepublik gave everyone for killing a snowman.

After a bit of fighting I was pretty sure that I had battle hero for eSerbia secured, I know eSerbia yucky. So I got to thinking. Could I possibly get battle hero for both sides? After doing some calculating I figured out "yes, I could beat the current battle hero for eTurkey and be everyone's hero" So I decided to move to eItaly (eTurkey's geologically closest ally) and see what would happen.

Well I was right I did have just enough health/weapons/money/missiles left to beat eTurkey's current battle hero an eCanadian/eAmerican named lmfaopwned. I did manage to beat him for about 2 minutes and took a quick screenshot.

Unfortunately this didn't last long I lost the battle hero for eTurkey rather quickly when lmfaopwned started unloading rocket launchers like crazy. Fortunately I still managed to get my first ever Battle Hero medal for being eSerbia's Battle Hero.

But for a few brief minutes I was Everyone's Hero.
