eThailand the most powerful eNation in Southeast Asia?

Day 1,972, 09:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

eThailand the most powerful eNation in Southeast Asia? False.

eThailand may have you thinking: "Oh hey eThailand is mighty powerful. They took over eMalaysia a week ago and just took over eSingapore." Well what eThailand doesn't want you to know is that the two eNations it recently took over are not as populated and thus not a fair fight.

Not only this but the one eNation that eThailand attacked a week ago, eMalaysia, had two regions.

In case there are any eSerbians reading this article two(2) is more than one(1)

Now obviously eThailand could not handle taking over a country which had two region on its own so they pimped out the region of Sarawak to eMontenegro.

Now what does all of this mean? It means that eThailand can only handle, at the most on its own, attacking an eNation that only has one region. eThailand had attempted attacking eCroatia, which had far more regions than 1, and failed miserably.

I'm starting to notice a pattern too