eThailand's Evil Plan

Day 2,090, 08:39 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

eThailand did not seems to put up any real fight in either Sarawak or Peninsular Malaysia. It was almost as if eThailand let eMalaysia win those battles.

But why would eThailand allow eMalaysia, at this point I am assuming eThailand's nemesis for life, to have even one single region?

Does it have something to do with ePakistan's recent home invasion? Is it because of the recent National Shield Mission? Or is it simply because eThailand wanted me to write another article about their country?

We may never know, mainly because the eThai media is written in an indecipherable coded language.

On top of all of that eThailand is now proposing eMalaysia as a natural enemy again. Some people may think that there is some benign reason behind that but in my opinion I think that this time eMalaysia should counter propose eThailand as a natural enemy so that eMalaysia's soldiers will also be able get a %10 bonus against soon to be invading eThailand forces.

Allowing another war to happen with eThailand without this bonus, as eMalaysia has done numerous time already, would make little sense. It would pretty much be allowing eThailand to do whatever it wants.

You know that is what they want to do.
