eThailand just lost three battles in a row

Day 2,037, 14:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

It seems that although eThailand's just got done boasting about beating the eUSA without the support of their allies; eThailand is incapable of fighting a straight one on one fight.

eThailand, despite having their prime enemy; the eUSA; distracted on 6 other fronts was not only unable to hold on to eTexas but also was powerless to hold back the resistance forces of eLouisiana.

Without the support of THEIR allies eThailand lost not only 2 battles against the eUSA but also a battle against eMalaysia.

eThailand wanted to show the eWorld whether they were capables of standing on their own two feet without the support of any allies.

Do not worry my fellow eMalaysians. I am sure that soon eThailand will get kicked out of North America bored and prepare a counter offensive into eMalaysia.

Be prepared they will most certainly be bringing the full force of their alliance down on our 260 population eCountry
