eSerbia salutes eLietuva!

Day 1,088, 13:22 Published in Lithuania Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

It may come as a bit of a surprise to you to learn that this article isn't here to ask anything from you. We don't need you to fight here, or to move there, and to everyone's great surprise we certainly didn't come here to ask for some donations. Although if anyone feels like it, we couldn't possibly dream of stopping you. Nobody? Oh, well, no harm in tryin'. 😉

Now, Mr Obrad Kerkez here and myself our eSerbian Ambassadors. Promoting good will between people, loving everybody, being polite (or at least trying to be), hosting ridiculously expensive banquets, you know the drill.

Basically, what we're striving for is to create a closer bond between players, and to remind people that Phoenix is not only Hungary, Serbia or Brazil but also a lot of these smaller (simply in the terms of numbers) nations. We chose Lithuania to be the first country because you guys, like so many others, always gave their best for the alliance and never actually asked for much in return. The only time you actually needed our help we failed, alliance and Serbia as well. But those were rather difficult times. It's not as if the present is all that brighter, but at least we are.

We have a couple of things in common outside of eRepublik. One thing in particular springs to mind - basketball. We are both awesome at it. The other things is football. To put it bluntly, we both suck.

What it all boils down to is this - our message to you is very simple but strong, we shared a past and hopefully we will share a future. Let us all work together to make it a victorious one. And even if we don't end up victorious in the end, at least we'll have a few more friends to remind us why we actually play this game.

For any assistence or contact you can find us on #mip channel on mibbit, or #srb.mofa on rizon.
Don't be strangers, you are more than welcome! \o/