Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Day 1,477, 08:56 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


Clones. They have always been among us. Here in the New World, we call them "multies" but the basis is the same: one mind, multiple bodies.

Two Americans are notorious for their use of clones, Pfeiffer (who has rumored to have used up to FIFTY clones in the past) and the infamous Ajay Bruno.

But I am a man who ALWAYS gives people the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, that leaves me to be burned a lot. Recently, I decided to give the criminal Bruno a chance. He legitimately won the NCP back, despite an uprising from a group of others trying to prevent him. NCP is a Top Five, and I wanted to see if Ajay would try to exist in the New World as a legit citizen or resort back to his old Agay ways. I assured him that as long as he was being on the up-and-up, I would not move against him. He assured me that he would be a law-abiding citizen.

I had been on IRC and decided to take a break. Everyone knows that if I have the [420] tag in front of my name on IRC, I'm prolly busy. ANyway, I came back just in time to see this;
Excerpt from #USRP (Ajay's Room):

[19:13] check PM ingame bro
[19:14] What's it say? I am on my other accountz now
[19:14] kk, no panic, whenever you get a chance
[19:14] so what is the plan?

I was intrigued, and actually decided to mess around with Hut;
[19:19] * [420]Jude_Connors is back (gone 00:08:55)
[19:20] <[420]Jude_Connors> multies?
[19:20] <[420]Jude_Connors> [19:14] What's it say? I am on my other accountz now

I was amazed at the response I got;
[19:21] ya idc anymore
[19:21] eRepublik fucked me over
[19:21] bcz pfeiffer buyz gold
[19:21] I have 2
[19:21] one in eUK
[19:21] one in eUS

Naturally, I and others sent the information to Plato via a sacrificial offering and this was the result:


One down, and a win for those who live a fair eLife. Next up...

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even cloning.

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