Employment opportunity

Day 546, 14:03 Published in Argentina Hungary by Mikrobi

Everyone knows that a company is profitable if its workers' number is optimal and the wellness of the workers' is high. My company, the Salta House has good workers. But there are no enough. I offer the best construction offers in whole Argentina. Make my company more profitable and join today! I would like to raise the salaries further🙂

My demands are:
1.) ALWAYS watch the fighting possibilities (for example the training battles every second day)! In order that you can use the q5 hospital, you have to move to Patagonia.
2.) Work regularly!

I offer for my good workers cheap gifts (about ARS 6) and food (q1: ARS 2,2; q3: ARS 10, q4: ARS 1😎. So my workers can spare their wages for more valuable goods, such as houses😉
The company had already produced 3 q2 houses and 1 q3. Tha q3 is on the market yet, 2 q2 can be purchased from me directly. If you would like to buy one of them, write me a private message!