Election Result

Day 1,782, 04:03 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
Introduction and Result

With the official election result to be announced shortly. It looks more than likely Talon Karrde has won the election with something around 57% of the vote.

and it had started so well for my campaign \o/

But seriously I'd like to offer my congratulations to Talon Karrde and wish him and his October Cabinet all the best for this upcoming term.

Thoughts and thanks

I'm proud of achieving what is likely to be around 19% of the vote and finishing 2nd. I'd like to really thank the Workers' Rights Party for their support during my CP campaign. My campaign wouldn't have gone near as well without their help.

The WRP has a fun and creative atmosphere, please consider joining us, what the party stands for can be found here

I'd also very much like to thank all the others for their support, kind words and votes. Don Dapper and New Era, were especially supportive however their is a lot more who also deserve a special mention such as missingo, Dr Hugh Jardon, Samoss the Great, Alphabethis, and Buck Taylor.

I'd also like to congratulate/commiserate with missingno, NihilusX and kdoggroundtwo on the their campaigns and results. Especially missingno who ran an insightful and inspirational campaign. You all have my respect.

The last election for country president the WRP contested we obtained 4.78% of the total vote, finishing 4th so this is a marked improvement although of course tempered by the fact that the UKPP, ESO, New Era and the PCP didn't officially field or support candidates.

Words of advice

However as Talon Karrde once again takes his place in the famous resident above, I like to hope he'll consider the 43% of eUK citizens who turned out to vote however not for him. However have been hearten to read in his manifesto polices about creating a fun and fair environment that our citizens enjoy being a part of and a policy to try and unite people for a common good once again.

Once again I wish Talon Karrde and his team all the best this term.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Former Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit