Early release, my CPF PP platform, part 1

Day 992, 10:43 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Heya all. An early jump but I decided to introduce my platform early for the upcoming PP elections. The reason I decided to release it early is because I wanted to give people a chance to think about what I have to say.

So why vote for me? Let's do it.

Stability. We have had major problems with this as of late. I'm active, committed and communicative. I'm on everyday as many hours as I can, RL permitting. I'm on IRC, I'm on the forums as much as possible.

Maturity. This ties into stability, let's say I'm not exactly young. I will see things through.

Co-operation. This one has more than one aspect. When it comes to the party I don't act unilaterly, I have a record of consulting with more than one person before I take a serious action even though I think I'm making the right decision. Working together is important. I'll discuss part 2, working with other parties later on.

Diplomacy. Here's a complicated one. I am open to new ideas and I have some of my own. I want to build a bridge from the old CPF to the new CPF. Some people will ask what does that mean? I do not want to change the core values of the party, however the game is moving on and we must move on with it. Core party values are what brought me to the CPF and are still valid. There are however some points in the party criteria that need updating because of the new realities brought by v2 and other changes to the erep landscape. I hope to work to bring the old CPF into a new era that satisfies the majority.

Co-operation, part 2. As many friends as I have in the CPF, I probably have just as many outside it. I'm hoping to bring these ties together and create new bonds with other parties and give a new appreciation for co-operation. Don't get me wrong on this, CPF has a history of being the opposition and don't expect that to change. Opposition can have a useful definition, "to find the flaws in what is proposed." That is food for thought, not to stop good ideas, but to find the problems to help correct them. To help eCanada is a top priority to avoid loopholes in the system.

I'm going to stop here and give people some time to think it over. Thank you for reading.