eAmerican Civil War and My Candidacy for NPM Party President

Day 1,236, 18:30 Published in Philippines USA by Jude Connors

A Message from the RL Player:On Tuesday, I was admitted into the Pennington Cancer Center wing of Baton Rouge General Hospital for acute pancreatitis. The next day, I had an emergency laparoscopic cholycystectomy (removal of the gallbladder) since a gall stone had begun to affect my pancreas. I was relased on April 6th and I am at home recouperating well.

Unfortunately, this all occurred when I was writing a time-sensative article around CP election time, so that article is scrapped. I have been clicking- working, training, and fighting- and keeping updated by reading and posting and commenting. This marks my first article since my last failed attempt. Please remember that I am under the influence of narcotics- well... moreso than usual.

The eUSA was in a tight spot already. Engaged in a war against the group known as NWO or ONE with their Terra and EDEN allies, an invasion by former allies Spain and Poland loomed on the horizon. It was only a matter of time. Domestic security had recently been rocked with the addition of the international organization, iNCi to the American political system. The result of which was a Congressional election on March 25th dictated by the anti-PTO efforts of the Federal Elections Commission and it's hand-picked ticket of candidates to hold the iNCi from a full takeover of the American political system. The mission was declared a "success" by the Americal political machine and Congress went about it daily routine.

With their power secured, Congress went back to an age-old battle with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This fight has been going on for what seems like forever, but compromises have always been made. This time was different, however; as General Bradley Reala, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that the eUSA military decided to no longer seek nor accept money from Congress, effectively seperating the military from the government, making it a self-sustained militia.

The former military still fights for the eUSA and its allies and General Reala remains in contact with American President, Emerick, but the government has already begun to create a new national military, slamming the door on any sort of compromise between the goverment and the JCS.

But what are the future reprocussions of this last week in American politics? Could the former military come to the realization that it's hundred of active members can come together in the political sphere as well as they come together in the military sphere? In the past, we have had "sixth parties" that represented the wishes of the military with the American Military Party and the United States Defense Party. What if a party of this type can break into the Top Five? Could they overtake a Top Five party and run their own candidates for office and assume the power of the politicos and take control of Congress? Can a military coup be out of the question?

Or will Emerick save the eUSA yet again... fix the situation with Congress and the former military, and defeat eUSA's foreign enemies? Who knows?

I, for one, am glad to be a citizen of the ePhilippines.

I have decided to run for party president of the NPM Party. Political parties in the Philippines are under-utilized and NPM doesn't even have a forum. I intend to rectify that and will have a whole article on my plans in a few days. If you are interested, please contact me.