Donate to Your Friends

Day 1,628, 13:50 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus

Maybe some of your friends could use some help!

This time we aren't just offering you support, but we help you to support a friend fo yours.
Support your young friend (below level 26) with 300 q2 food and we will give you back 250 q2 food!

If You are interested simply send 300 q2 to your friend (below level 26) and send your feedback from donation in comment.
(You and your friend should be a japanese citizen)
(please be sure your friend is active)

for example:
Successfully transferred 300 item(s) to YourYoungFriend.

Maybe you can additionally tell us why did you choose him/her!

This action is also sponsored by Team Nippon Congressmen who offered their gold reward to charity.
Thank for all who supported this campaign!

Geezus 5 Gold
Wobbler 5 Gold
Ernesto Jeon 5 Gold
Lansor 5 Gold
Sumeragi Akeiko 2 Gold
sekenji 5 Gold
SerbiaLovesJapan 5 Gold
Bouja Harumichi 5 Gold
Tom Medelsvensson 5 Gold
