Don't Understand Hospitals?

Day 998, 19:40 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

For the past week or so, I, along with many other eCanadians, have been sitting on irc for hours on end while doing all we can to crush the British. Although at first many couldn’t seem to grasp how certain parts of the new Military Module works, they eventually learned their way through it. Finally, less questions were being asked, and everyone was understanding everything.

Then we attacked Vestlandet.

When the battle opened, everyone was thrilled to learn that there were hospitals, two of them actually, but it quickly became obvious that nobody had a clue as to how to actually use hospitals.

There once was a time where you would fight wherever you wanted and then clicked a button and voila! You were healed back up to your 90+ wellness so you could continue on with your life and avoid from being fired.

Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work like that anymore.

First of all, when you click on a region, the number that shows up beside the hospital or DS is no longer the quality of the hospitals, but the quantity.

There are 2 Hospitals and 1 Defense System in this region, not a Q2 hospital and a Q1 DS

But how do you actually heal?

First things first, you need to control the hospital itself. You also need to be in it’s range.

Being on the hospital itself or on the yellow tiles means you are within the range of the hospital. Click on the hospital to show its range.

So, you and your buddies just made an epic charge and captured the hospital. But wait, you aren’t getting healed! Why is that?

Well first of all, you quite obviously have to be below 100 wellness to receive wellness. However, perhaps the most important rule of all this, is that you only receive wellness up to the wellness you deployed at

So, what exactly does that mean? Well, it means that if you deploy with 100 wellness and then win a fight that knocks you down to 70 wellness, you can go hang out at the hospital for a turn or two and get boosted right back up to 100.

But if you died from that fight, receive the 70 wellness health boost, and then redeploy, suddenly the hospital will stop healing you when you reach 70 wellness.

Remember, it gives out wellness based on how much wellness you had when you deployed You were forced to retreat off the map when you lost the fight, and you redeployed again, but this time with only 70 wellness.

This also comes in account when using wellness packs. If you deploy with 70 wellness and use a health pack to get up to 90, the hospital will still only heal you to 70.

Now that of course means something else that is rather important: You can only heal the wellness that you lost on the battlefield the hospital is on.

So if you are way off in Scotland valiantly fighting off a British attack, get bashed down to 40 wellness, and then deploy in a battle that has a hospital, THE HOSPITAL WON’T HEAL YOU

So with all that being said, how exactly do you heal yourself? Well, all you need to do is sit in the hospital’s range for a turn. It will automatically heal you, but after the attacks have finished.

Here’s a picture to show just what I mean

I quite clearly got the stuffing beaten out of me, lost the fight, yet still came out of it with 65 health - without the boost to 70 wellness.

One final thing: A hospital will always have a limit for the amount of health it can give out. If that amount is reached the hospital will disappear.

So that pretty much sums it up. If you have any questions leave them below in the comments. Hope this helps you on your quest of killing Brits!
