Death Is Only The Beginning

Day 1,175, 06:27 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
Hi South Korea,

First of all, I want to thank everybody that gave me the credit and invested their trust for me to become president of South Korea.

Unfortunately, the country is in a very bad shape, as the previous administration led by japanese puppets rythemdj and roland_up made everything that could in order to destroy the country, and his richness to enter into foreign possession (especially japanese).

This is why my immediate goal will be to stop these wars and to ensure we get back the sweet territories of our country. South Korea, even if small, is a proud country and doesn't have to bow to no one.

I also understand that many people are against me, but there are other ways to fight in politics except to betray the country and fight for the enemy Japan. For those of you that want to destroy the country I say now: Begone and never come back! For those who wish to stay, there are lot of things to be done and many to be rebuilt.

I will come back later with another article with the first measures and also with the composition of the cabinet.

President of South Korea